Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

So L declared to me the day before Valentine's Day that, "Valentine's Day is for Mommy's and Daddy's and sisters and all that kinda stuff." And I knew what he meant. He meant a lot of pink, red, fluffy, flowers and all that kinda stuff he thinks is girly but I was not suprised first thing yesterday morning when he ran into our room at 6:45am asking to go down stairs to see if there were any Valentine treats left by Cupid. There is only so much he can pretend to not like about girly things, really, who doesn't like candy and chocolates from some one you love ... and first thing in the morning?! :-) To his fortunate surprise he and his sisters were greeted by Valentine treats of candy, chocolates and stuffed love monkies!
After celebrating a nice romantic night with my fabulous DH on Friday night it was a special family love celebration yesterday that could not have been any better and included heart-shaped pizzas that they devoured (yes, even my picky eater L!). And topped off with chocolate dipped strawberries left over from the box I had delivered to DH at his work!

Hope everyone enjoyed their day as much as we did - even blessed with sunshine all day and play time with special friends. XXOO

Monday, February 07, 2011

Monkey see, Monkey swing

It is no surprise that one of E's nickname's is Monkey. She loves to climb, hang on the bars and swing all the time. Pictured above is my little E from this afternoon doing what she loves: swinging. And I have yet to figure out what too high is as she is always yelling, "higher Mommy higher!". I love her spirit and enthusiasm for life ... swinging in the waining sun, wind blowing her pony tail and a big cheesey grin! :-) These are the times you really cherish the 2-somethings - two more weeks and we enter the 3's!!!